If you represent a business entity or nonprofit organization, we welcome the opportunity to work with you.

We work with a limited number of clients each semester, so our students can develop a thoughtful, high quality and successful campaign or event for each client. We work with nonprofit organizations on a pro bono (no fee) basis. We work with businesses and government entities on a sponsorship basis as explained below.
Because PRactical ADvantage Communications is part of the Department of Communications at California State University, Fullerton, we are accountable to the University and to California taxpayers. Our agency uses taxpayer-provided resources to benefit organizations in the marketplace. In so doing, PRactical ADvantage Communications must work on a cost recovery basis so that expenses resulting from work that benefits clients can be offset through client sponsorship. Sponsorship involves a non-refundable philanthropic donation of at least $500, payable to the CSUF College of Communications. Client sponsorship offset our costs and fund our infrastructure and long-term equipment needs.
PRactical ADvantage Communications is able to provide communications services to non-profit organizations at no charge, as our work schedule allows. PRactical ADvantage Communications operates during the Fall and Spring semesters, and occasionally during Summer term: Fall (September-December); Spring (February-May); Summer (June-July)
*If you are interested in becoming a PRactical ADvantage Communications client, please contact Prof. Ken Hagihara by filling out your contact information below.